Announcing Megaparsec 5
haskellPublished on May 15, 2016, last updated June 1, 2017
I’m happy to announce a new major release of Megaparsec.
It’s hard not to see that Megaparsec is moving away from its granddaddy Parsec with every new release. In the version 5 we re-thought some design decisions made in Parsec and the result is a library written in more flexible and modern Haskell.
Megaparsec development is completely issue-driven. Actual users and their practical problems have been shaping the library for quite some time now and so I would like to thank people who opened most important issues and feature-requests that made me think again about design of the library:
Matteo Ferrando, an active user who noticed the problem with non-flexible position-advancing mechanism.
Herbert Valerio Riedel who proposed to add support for include files and move position-advancing functions into the
type class. -
Wojciech Daniło who opened issue about well-typed and customizable error messages and actively participated in discussion.
Joe Hermaszewski who proposed deriving of
instances and using special functions for pretty-printing. -
And others who proposed and in some cases implemented various minor changes.
Well-typed and customizable error messages
Perhaps the most important feature in this release is well-typed and
customizable error messages. ParseError
is now parametrized over token
type t
and custom error component e
data ParseError t e = ParseError
{ errorPos :: NonEmpty SourcePos -- ^ Stack of source positions
, errorUnexpected :: Set (ErrorItem t) -- ^ Unexpected items
, errorExpected :: Set (ErrorItem t) -- ^ Expected items
, errorCustom :: Set e -- ^ Associated data, if any
} deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Typeable)
is parametrized over token type t
and looks like this:
data ErrorItem t
= Tokens (NonEmpty t) -- ^ Non-empty stream of tokens
| Label (NonEmpty Char) -- ^ Label (cannot be empty)
| EndOfInput -- ^ End of input
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
Now an error in Megaparsec is not just a bunch of strings, but something
more comprehensible. I expect some people may not like the intensive use of
, but I tried to use types that are inhabited only by logically
valid values.
As you can see, parse errors support stack of source positions. This has
corresonding helpers in Text.Megaparsec.Prim
and can be used to work with
include files. Pretty-printing function parseErrorPretty
also knows how to
display stacks of source positions and there are pushPosition
functions available as well.
What about errorCustom
? You can use your own type there and the whole
library will work with that just fine. We have Dec
data Dec
= DecFail String -- ^ 'fail' has been used in parser monad
| DecIndentation Ordering Pos Pos -- ^ Incorrect indentation error
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
stands for “default error component” and unless you’re doing something
advanced it should just work. To use your own type you just need to make it
instance of ErrorComponent
and ShowErrorComponent
(only needed if you
want to pretty-print error messages):
class Ord e => ErrorComponent e where
-- | Represent message passed to 'fail' in parser monad.
-- @since 5.0.0
representFail :: String -> e
-- | Represent information about incorrect indentation.
-- @since 5.0.0
:: Ordering -- ^ Desired ordering between reference and actual level
-> Pos -- ^ Reference indentation level
-> Pos -- ^ Actual indentation level
-> e
class Ord a => ShowErrorComponent a where
-- | Pretty-print custom data component of 'ParseError'.
showErrorComponent :: a -> String
Then you build on the top of failure
primitive to report error messages
with your data:
failure :: MonadParsec e s m
=> Set (ErrorItem (Token s)) -- ^ Unexpected items
-> Set (ErrorItem (Token s)) -- ^ Expected items
-> Set e -- ^ Custom data
-> m a
For example, indentation-sensitive helpers from Text.Megaparsec.Lexer
use of this:
incorrectIndent :: MonadParsec e s m
=> Ordering -- ^ Desired ordering between reference and actual level
-> Pos -- ^ Reference indentation level
-> Pos -- ^ Actual indentation level
-> m a
incorrectIndent ord ref actual = failure E.empty E.empty (E.singleton x)
where x = representIndentation ord ref actual
Which produces error messages like this (taken from this tutorial):
λ> parseTest parser "something\n one\n two\n three"
incorrect indentation (got 5, should be equal to 3)
λ> parseTest parser "something\n one\n two\n three"
incorrect indentation (got 2, should be equal to 3)
λ> parseTest parser "something\n one\n two\n three"
Much better than simply “incorrect indentation”!
The Stream
type class
The Stream
type class now has the associated type function Token
class Ord (Token s) => Stream s where
-- | Type of token in stream.
-- @since 5.0.0
type Token s :: *
This is a very handy thing, it allowed to remove one type parameter from
type class and write natural type constraints like this:
newline :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) => m Char
newline = char '\n'
We will talk about this more in the next section.
Another addition to the Stream
type class is the updatePos
method. Its
signature looks like this:
:: Proxy s -- ^ Proxy clarifying stream type, 'Token' is not injective
-> Pos -- ^ Tab width
-> SourcePos -- ^ Current position
-> Token s -- ^ Current token
-> (SourcePos, SourcePos) -- ^ Actual position\/incremented position
This improved support for streams of tokens where information about position of token is encoded in token itself.
The MonadParsec
type class
Declaration of MonadParsec
has been changed:
class (ErrorComponent e, Stream s, Alternative m, MonadPlus m)
=> MonadParsec e s m | m -> e s where
We added type of custom error component e
and removed type of token t
because now it can be found from type of stream s
via the type function
. This gives us signatures like this:
token :: MonadParsec e s m
=> (Token s -> Either ( Set (ErrorItem (Token s))
, Set (ErrorItem (Token s))
, Set e ) a)
-- ^ Matching function for the token to parse, it allows to
-- construct arbitrary error message on failure; sets in the
-- three-tuple are: unexpected items, expected items, and
-- custom data pieces.
-> Maybe (Token s) -- ^ Token to report when input stream is empty
-> m a
tokens :: MonadParsec e s m
=> (Token s -> Token s -> Bool)
-- ^ Predicate to check equality of tokens
-> [Token s]
-- ^ List of tokens to parse
-> m [Token s]
Support for line folds
Finally support for line folds is here. It’s not difficult to implement though:
-- | Create a parser that supports line-folding. The first argument is
-- used to consume white space between components of line fold, thus it
-- /must/ consume newlines in order to work properly. The second
-- argument is a callback that receives custom space-consuming parser
-- as argument. This parser should be used after separate components of
-- line fold that can be put on different lines.
-- An example should clarify the usage pattern:
-- > sc = (void spaceChar) empty empty
-- >
-- > myFold = L.lineFold sc $ \sc' -> do
-- > L.symbol sc' "foo"
-- > L.symbol sc' "bar"
-- > L.symbol sc "baz" -- for the last symbol we use a normal
-- -- space consumer
-- @since 5.0.0
lineFold :: MonadParsec e s m
=> m () -- ^ How to consume indentation (white space)
-> (m () -> m a) -- ^ Callback that uses provided space-consumer
-> m a
lineFold sc action =
sc >> indentLevel >>= action . void . indentGuard sc GT
It’s simple and it works.
Use of scientific
Like Attoparsec, we switched to the
package for
parsing of floating point values in Text.Megaparsec.Lexer
. The
type is safe against numbers with huge exponents and it can
reliably represent integers too (it even has functions isFloating
, and others that allow handy dispatching), so now we can write
-- | Parse a number: either integer or floating point. The parser can
-- handle overlapping grammars graciously. Use functions like
-- 'Data.Scientific.floatingOrInteger' from "Data.Scientific" to test
-- and extract integer or real values.
number :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) => m Scientific
This is amazing, because you can get either floating point number or integer
from it later and signed
does not need an ad-hoc Signed
type class
anymore to compose with other functions from the module (previously number
returned Either Integer Double
signed :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char, Num a)
=> m () -- ^ How to parse space after sign
-> m a -- ^ Parser for unsigned number
-> m a -- ^ Parser for signed number
All these new features started to make Megaparsec slower. To counteract this
I had to do some profiling and benchmarking (thanks again to
Auke Booij who contributed benchmarks for
Megaparsec on early stages of development) and indeed some inlining, manual
re-write of (<*>)
, and careful use of strictness allowed me to improve the
situation. Here are simplified results of comparison on my laptop:
Benchmark (size 1000) | Parsec 3.1.9 | Megaparsec 5.0.0 |
string/match | 74.59 μs | 48.65 μs |
string/nomatch_early | 374.0 ns | 59.06 ns |
string/nomatch_late | 69.80 μs | 31.51 μs |
try-string/match | 76.60 μs | 48.15 μs |
try-string/nomatch_early | 383.5 ns | 61.93 ns |
try-string/nomatch_late | 70.88 μs | 31.72 μs |
lookahead-string/match | 76.78 μs | 47.07 μs |
lookahead-string/nomatch_early | 389.5 ns | 60.13 ns |
lookahead-string/nomatch_late | 77.80 μs | 29.73 μs |
notfollowedby-string/match | 79.46 μs | 48.54 μs |
notfollowedby-string/nomatch_early | 418.8 ns | 47.17 ns |
notfollowedby-string/nomatch_late | 79.46 μs | 30.56 μs |
manual-string | 328.8 μs | 57.15 μs |
choice/match | 355.5 μs | 232.6 μs |
choice/nomatch | 523.8 μs | 289.2 μs |
count | 260.8 μs | 48.85 μs |
sepBy1 | 357.8 μs | 100.6 μs |
manyTill | 464.7 μs | 139.7 μs |
(that influences performance of string
) is coded differently than
in Parsec because I wanted to have a bit different error messages that show
not just current mismatched token, but an entire sequence parsed up to first
mismatch and an entire sequence that is expected. tokens
also backtracks
automatically in Megaparsec 4.3+ but this has no impact on performance.
is not considerably faster because in Megaparsec it does a lot more
than in Parsec since we need to be able to get parser state on errors for
some features to work.
All in all, given flexibility and features of our fork, the results are not shameful. To be honest, Parsec can be made faster than Megaparsec with some effort, but that effort has yet to be applied. I would also appreciate if someone could add Megaparsec into other parsing benchamarks and let me know about results.
To be continued
These are the most important but not all changes and improvements in Megaparsec 5, please see the change log for the complete list.